St-Lazare Flying Club

@CST3 CST3_Airport.html

St-Lazare Flying Club is a non-profit group of pilots, small aircraft owners and aviation enthusiasts based at Cooper Aviation’s St-Lazare Airfield, located West of Montreal.  The club organizes regular activities including:

  1. -Fly-outs to other airports

  2. -Pilot recency tests self-tests

Members benefit from access to shared tools and plenty of camaraderie, doubtful stories and free advice.

Aircraft owners, pilots, and anyone passionate about aviation are welcome to join us!


Welcome to the St-Lazare Flying Club

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NOTICE of 2021 Annual General meeting:
Monday April 26, 2021 at 19:30 via Zoom.
Zoom meeting information and additional details will be provided later.

Please contact the Treasurer ( if you wish to view the Club's financial report before the meeting
It is time to renew your membership: $40.00 may be paid either by:
a) sending your cheque (payable to "Aeroclub Saint-Lazare Flying Club") to Michel Moreau,
    238 Sherwood Drive, Pointe-Claire, QC, H9R 2R8
b) by dropping it in the club box at the airport.
c) We are now able to receive membership renewals using eTransfer to
    Auto-deposit is enabled so no password is required. Please include your name and phone number in the
    eTransfer comment field.  

Subject to COVID-19 restrictions, we are going to try and hold a members BBQ in the summer or autumn.